December 17, 2009

What's Up This Weekend?

I'm thankful for a young friend who gives this old guy a chance to dance for hours to live performances of Beatles covers and then clears off the living room table at 3:30 AM so we can dance in our socks to the Amy Winehouse CD. I'm also thankful to the old friend playing those Beatles covers and for all the fun and hospitality I've been shown in Athens all these years. By the way, I was able to add to my list of fabulous Athens eateries at The Purple Chopsticks. Unfortunately, I had to skip the traditional Sunday brunch at Casa Nueva to get back for a four hour Comfest meeting. That was brutal but they did serve a lovely buffet.

I'm aware how tight budgets are these days but for those of us who aren't homeless or hungry yet, bust the budget if necessary to give a little gift to your favorite charity this holiday season. My favorites are the Mid-Ohio Foodbank (3960 Bookham Dr., Grove City, Ohio 43123 and the Capital Area Humane Society (3015 Scioto Darby Executive Court, Hilliard, Ohio 43026-8990 You'll be glad you did.

Welcome to the World, Edra Elizabeth Duress. May you have as much fun as your parents used to have.

Finally, I'd like to apologize for all the misinformation that occasionally turns up in What's Up especially if you showed up on a cold night at the wrong place. If you don't know by now, I am subject to Alzheimer-like brain infarctions and just plain-old sloppiness. Despite all that, I hope you find it generally useful and entertaining.

Thursday, tonight, Dane Terry is one of the acts at Bernie's, Anna & the Annadroids have their 3rd Birthday Bash at Circus, Daycreeper and others are at Rumba, I wish I could tell you who was performing at the GRRLLZZ Rock Holiday Show at Thirsty Ear. It probably won't include Megan Palmer who is at Treehouse with Eric Nassau and his, in my opinion, unfortunately-named band, Sexfist.

Friday, Roger Hines is at Dick's, the Miss Molly Holiday Party including Eric Nassau and Joey Hebdo are at Thirsty Ear. And this weekend, I really believe there will be a Peloton showcase, unlike last week, at The Shelf, 57 E. Gay, with Moon High and Alwood Sisters among the acts.

Saturday, Total Foxx, comprised of David and Melanie Holm and Sam Brown share the stage with Terribly Empty Pockets and others at Bourbon Street. Every Saturday you can hear the amazing Bobby Floyd Trio, which includes Mr. DiCenzo, at the Lobby out east on Hamilton Road near Eastland (does that still exist?) and they are soliciting donations to the Mid-Ohio Foodbank. Skully's has The Phantods Holiday Show with Six Gallery and the Reciever. Thirsty Ear hosts the Rockabilly Holiday Ball with, among others, Vegas 68. It is 80s Power Ballad Night at Treehouse with the focus on Hair Metal and it benefits Christmas for needy kids. Boki Quartet featuring Betsy Pandora is at Vonn Blues Lounge. I haven't been to Vonn Blues yet but I saw on TV their fried chicken with waffles and strawberries that I must try.

Sunday, my girls, the Ooh-la-las do their holiday show at Dick's as only they can do.

Monday, the Cowtown Round at Rumba includes Megan Palmer, Milan Karcic and Jason Quicksall.

Wednesday, Christian Howes is back at Dick's.

Rockin' around the Christmas tree. Have a happy holiday. mark

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